Monday, February 27, 2006

See You

Sunday, February 26, 2006


A strange amount of things is rolling on today.
Time enough.
Enough things.
Coincidences and more.
I´m going now.I´m so tired and lonely as to escape quickly and silenciously as I don´t wanna be catched even as a passerby in a hurry.I will not delete this space as the future time,if there is one, could not appreciate it.I thank everyone who shared from my blog.As from today I am the girl on the deep night of darkness.

Rose Dew



Saturday, February 25, 2006


Thursday, February 23, 2006

O toque da Morte

Quem possui o toque da morte
não sabe a sorte que tem e de como irá fazer tantas pessoas felizes.

Porque o toque da morte é uma espécie de cura sem mentira.

Quem toca com o toque da morte
desconhece,por completo,o seu dom
e como o transmitir às pessoas que,verdadeiramente,
esperam por ele para começar a viver.

Porque o toque da morte faz-nos descer à terra
de onde nunca deveríamos ter levantado as nossas cabeças
e que nunca deveríamos ter pisado com os nossos pés.

Fernando Ribeiro As feridas essenciais

Monday, February 20, 2006

There is a place on the corner of my left hand where I rest my time

so I can hear me thinking.
There is an uneven universe under that turquoise skin that I silently remove night by night against my death system.
The turning point of my secret routine asks for ruin to detach.
I am a despot on my own.It will be achieved.
I don´t fight for clarity,I daze darkness as my mind is in love with my aching mistery.
So as the moon peeping the night.
No future for suicide,lifé is killing me.
And I don´t remember why I was here for,when I saw the dark light of my birth.
This is only to let you know.
The text is a deserter when it comes to me,a terrifying fraud.
I am a mistake when I am a word,altough I dont lie with words.
I am a sombre message but I work with facts.
On the way to my closest me.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ao cair da placa
Ao correr da dôr
O pecado na superfície funesta
Lancinante escravidão
Tempo de carne morta
Plágio de morbidez
No espaço feito de lacuna
Perfil ligeiro de sangue
Onde a marca cospe o aço
Onde o aço cospe a vida
E a tua presença acaba

Quero a marca na mente
Solene nervura desfeita
Inteiramente nua de côr
Carnívora delimitação
Origem do crime
Margem de corte
Aparência de morte




Friday, February 17, 2006


Thursday, February 16, 2006


Little devil how could you...
Dear ones my time has come...that inglorious game finnally reached me
What a trick.
Dear foreign ones please abstain,may you feel lucky.

5 manias
1amar demais
2viver demais
3pensar demais
4sentir demais
5habitar um universo paralelo e de levar os que amo para lá,para sempre.

As regras:
"Cada blogger nomeado tem de enumerar cinco manias suas,hábitos pessoais que os diferenciem do comum dos mortais.E além de tornar público o conhecimento dessas particularidades,terão de nomear cinco outros bloggers para participarem igualmente no jogo,não se esquecendo de deixar nos respectivos blogs,aviso do "recrutamento".Além disso cada participante deve reproduzir este "regulamento" no seu blog."

Convoco Devaneios de uma alma perdida Antes do Nunca Bemsei O puto/O tipo/O totó OEUMANUSDEI

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

rain all over my know what it means to me.those cryings. those after after life.loving the liquids and the dusts that impregnate my silence and bring me back to many things to kill to be lucky to´s raining when I´m am a shadow in your grows dark as my mind perturbs your sleep.absolute beauty.absolute darkness.overshadow


Monday, February 13, 2006

The shining darkness

Every mourning absolute glory
Every misfortune one achievement
But let the old tyrant psalm die soon
And the night turn into heaven
Close the waters behind the shields
For my soul conclude the crying
Your inestimable offensive blaze
Close enough to my inner blowing

Let the lightning through the dark.

The Great Crusades

"The band mantains a rare and diverse focus,wiyh a sound that has drawn comparisons to The Band,Richard Thompson,Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds,Neil Young,Gallon Drunk,The Jayhawks,The Replacements,Tom Waits,early Bruce Springsteen,and even folks like Leon Redbone and Morphine."From Chicago to you the prolific four stubborn guys.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

projection time one hundred minutes backwards
Nevertheless the angel can be as evil as you wish.Could you bring me some tea,please?That face from the crowd is suffering from such staidness!Nowadays none´s to blame.Such a cruelty to refuse salvation and recovery.He had an horrible red cross,like a sieve on the back, on the upside.Talk to me and hate me till you return to the labyrinth in you.The child,like a victim,crouchs in repentance as she could again affront the aimless third person.The eloquent dancer,inverting theories and intoxicated by her own intrinsic beauty, stole the pain from whithin the murderer and in a glimpse she was her lover.The third person told me that she wasn´t fair to him when they were alive and that the dreadful child was their unborned reality.Oh,how sad an orphan!You must ask Lilly about the revival.See you again next Saturday,bye,bye,for now.And look out Mr Black you must go up to Rose to solve the question.

Friday, February 10, 2006

The move

She´s dancing against the move.The murderer there is watching and yelling in a mental worship of generous pain.The little girl on the back confirms there´s dew everywhere the pelican goes.Little girl how could you swear the moon was your sister and the lover was a shadow.Against the move you can look at the limit as the limit can see you.Can you see it when you´re sleeping?Look at the dancer,she´s waiting for some reward to give her some rest.That would be fine.We could change scenery for about one hour and remember those myopic times of heaven.The murderer stands still as a space guardian.We must defend our concessions and the lady is dancing.Should we cry again for her tonight?So long is the time to live and to dance...Remember cool thing I´m as blessed as the angel in you and I´m about to forget solitude.That´s what I could remember,dear Mr. Black.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Yes,I´m going too.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The greatest fall or a vida por um fio

Yesterday I failed to die.I woke up and I fell.It was kind of a massive falling.I flew over everything that was around,papers,magazines,furniture,shoes,my dog,my past.I flew for a long time to remember.I broke an enormous bottle that was on the floor and I miss having my neck cutted for a millimetre.Then,already on the floor an electrical wire bounded my left shin as a impediment to live so theatrical was the picture.Not yet completely awakened it really seemed a fast,simple and nefarious way to die.I stood on the floor for too long to forget. I was alone.None saw the scene but it worthed to.
Today I present a terrific scar that goes from the knee to the foot,on the right leg.And I´m alive.

Monday, February 06, 2006

The man who sees everything

and knows too much
(dedicated to bemsei)

A film for a life

My life is not a book,is a film.Even not a book based one.(and even Zulawski affirming so)Those who prefer to read it,please abstain.Another alphabet going on.How can you know something about me without having seen Nadine Chevalier and Karl-Heinz Zimmer abusing life as brutal beasts in a furious troubled life ruin. I gave my life for this film.What I am now are leftovers.And that suits my absence.As death is a remembrance.

Sunday, February 05, 2006



Friday, February 03, 2006



Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The slow feeling

Do you remember when we talked about the doubt I had about me as an existent?When you told me I was just there in shape and materia and that it was enough to prove the fact.And you instinctively tried to distance me from the matter as an expert ,understanding the danger ?Well today I´m again suffering from that abstract strangeness and that gloomy slow feeling,that old belonging.Can you shake me again?Can you shake it harder?That´s no way I can be as smarter as a loony to improve the circunstance and that would certainly result in a stupid epitaph.

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Location: Porto, Portugal



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