As I am heart I am blood and I love through my veins.Passion fires my mind without remission,like an heretic pain,a molecular trembling.Reddishness between lips and desire is a fact when you are a body burn.Uncontrollable wish that kills device and lenghtens discouragement from catching you to soon.We are alive to feel,that is a celular presumption confirmed by those spiritual marks we call sorrows.Everything is sacrificed to emotion,even death,sanguinely sequestrated,implacable fate façade.
Love is red of Desire and Passion. Uncontrollable flame burning in the hearts and veins of those who feel it this way!
Don't like to think of what remains when this fire ends.. only ashes, and deadly greyness that can take Life out of lives! **
passion, desire, ardent burn of blood flowing through the veins and through the body. tis' true in the end it all leads to ashes, but while you can live it, let it burn, feel that ache there is nothing more powerful and more pleasurable...feel it!!!!!!!!
Esse teu texto relembra-me como me sinto a matar-me a mim mesmo dentro de mim vezes sem conta e este silêncio e esta apatia magoe tanto.
Obrigado pelos teus comments no meu blog.
Veins and blood... humm, well...
João,same undulations...Anjo,a profundidade de sentimentos na escrita é aquilo que TU exaltas em cada texto TEU.*M.P.,why... you submit love to decadence...that way...BrÏza,yeah,it goes exactly like must!Thanks dear one,jinhos!Blond one,I know about absolute remembrances and forgetfulnesses and our life´s a strange amount of doubtfulness but wouldn´t you be capable to believe again,one more time...please...And do not thank...Corvo,I must admit,I´m all veins and blood,in large I feel hard I need everything doubled...:)
U need everything doubled... humm... well...
Yes,Corvo,that´s right.Nothing to be ashamed of.;)
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